Environment: OpenJDK 12, Maven 3.6.1, Eclipse 4.12, Modules are 2 separate projects in the same workspace.
Context: I'm trying to compile 2 simple modules.
Issue: message-> module not found when compiling 2nd module
1st Module:
public class Car{
//Strings attributes
public Car(args){
//set args
//getter & setters
module ModuleCars {
exports com.org.car; //the class is inside this package
Run Maven clean compile: ok
2nd module:
public class CarFactory {
private static CarFactory instance;
private CarFactory() {
public static synchronized CarFactory getInstance() {
if(instance == null) {
instance = new CarFactory();
return instance;
public Car createCar() {
return new Car("5","Red","01/01/2019");
module ModuleFactory {
requires transitive ModuleCar;
exports com.org.factory; //the class is inside this package
Project Properties: -> Java Build Path -> Projects -> Module Path-> Add ModuleCars
Run Maven: clean compile: module not found: ModuleCars
Update 1: The conection between the modules is made with Eclipse (with the Module path), is the only way I have found.
Add in your second module the first module as dependency:
And you have to install your first Module using clean install.