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How to extract fitted values for the separate 'by-factors' in a bam() general additive model?

I would like to extract the fitted values from my bam() model in order to be able to plot the figures in either prism or with ggplot. I use GAM to model brain responses in EEG data, the data are thus many 400ms time series of four different categories. The model contains a by-factor for these categories(uV ~ s(time, by = CatInt)). I would like to get the fitted values for these 4 categories separately. I found the function fitted() or fitted.values() but this just outputs a string with the same length as the number of data points I put into the model, while I would like one average for the data over time per category. Ideally it would include either SD, SE or CI. Is this possible?


  • If you are interested in customization of the plot.gam() output, you may keep the plot as an object.

    First of all, let's generate some testing data with the built-in gamSim( ) function and construct a model:

    set.seed(2) # R version 3.6.0 used
    dat <- gamSim(5, n = 200, scale = 2)
    b <- bam(y ~ x0 + s(x1, by = x0), data = dat)

    Then you may just keep the plot object which is a list with all the data needed to generate a customized plot:

    pl_data <- plot(b, pages = 1)
    > str(pl_data)
    List of 4
     $ :List of 11
      ..$ x      : num [1:100] 0.00711 0.01703 0.02694 0.03686 0.04678 ...
      ..$ scale  : logi TRUE
      ..$ se     : num [1:100] 3.25 3.04 2.83 2.64 2.47 ...
      ..$ raw    : num [1:200] 0.185 0.702 0.573 0.168 0.944 ...
      ..$ xlab   : chr "x1"
      ..$ ylab   : chr "s(x1,3.33):x01"
      ..$ main   : NULL
      ..$ se.mult: num 2
      ..$ xlim   : num [1:2] 0.00711 0.9889
      ..$ fit    : num [1:100, 1] -4.76 -4.64 -4.52 -4.4 -4.28 ...
      ..$ logi TRUE

    Finely, you may extract the pl_data components which are of interest with usual subsetting approaches, for example:

    first_item_pl <- pl_data[[1]][c("x", "fit", "se")]

    to extract different items of the first list or to extract the same item from all four nested lists

    fit_list <- lapply(pl_data, "[[", "fit")