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Is it possible to avoid sending repeated Slack notifications for already fired alert?

Disclaimer: First time I use Prometheus.

I am trying to send a Slack notification every time a Job ends successfully.

To achieve this, I installed kube-state-metrics, Prometheus and AlertManager.

Then I created the following rule:

  - alert: KubeJobCompleted
      identifier: '{{ $labels.instance }}'
      summary: Job Completed Successfully
      description: Job *{{ $labels.namespace }}/{{ $labels.job_name }}* is completed successfully.
    expr: |
      kube_job_spec_completions{job="kube-state-metrics"} - kube_job_status_succeeded{job="kube-state-metrics"}  == 0
      severity: information

And added the AlertManager receiver text (template) :

{{ define "custom_slack_message" }}
{{ range .Alerts }}
    {{ .Annotations.description }}
{{ end }} 
{{ end }} 

My current result: Everytime a new job completes successfully, I receive a Slack notification with the list of all Job that completed successfully.

I don't mind receiving the whole list at first but after that I would like to receive notifications that contain only the newly completed job(s) in the specified group interval.

Is it possible?


  • I ended up using kube_job_status_completion_time and time() to dismiss past events (avoid refiring event upon repeat time).

      - alert: KubeJobCompleted
          identifier: '{{ $labels.instance }}'
          summary: Job Completed Successfully
          description: Job *{{ $labels.namespace }}/{{ $labels.job_name }}* is completed successfully.
        expr: |
          time() - kube_job_status_completion_time < 60 and kube_job_spec_completions{job="kube-state-metrics"} - kube_job_status_succeeded{job="kube-state-metrics"}  == 0
          severity: information