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How do I get all Teams in MS Graph C#?

I have created a Team in the group successfully, now I need to cycle through the Teams so I can get their names and IDs.

I have tried the following code but without any success.

IGraphServiceTeamsCollectionPage teams = graphServiceClient

foreach (Team team in teams)

I get

Code: UnknownError
    "message":"No HTTP resource was found that matches the request URI ''."

I've also tried doing the same against Groups without success:

var groups = await graphServiceClient.Groups

foreach (var group in groups)

Now I get the displayName of the Group, but when trying to access the Group's Team Id I get

Object reference not set to an instance of an object.


I have realized that Group ID = Teams ID, however, last week I was able to update the specific team with the following command:

await graphServiceClient

but now it does not work and says:

No team found with Group Id {9032fa63-50bb-4....}

I have confirmed in PowerShell and Graph Explorer, that the Id is correct and, as I've said, it worked on Friday of last week.


  • I am using the groupID which is equal to teamID.

     var groups = await graphServiceClient.Groups.Request().GetAsync();
     foreach (var group in groups)