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is there a way to make the second function use the first one: syntax

export const composeValidators = (...validators) => value => validators.reduce((error, validator) => error || validator(value), undefined);

export const composeAccreditionValidators = (... validators) => value => validators.reduce((error, validator) => validator(value) === undefined ? error : `! ${validator(value)}`, undefined);

I am trying to create the second function exclusively for just one of my components and would prefer having the second one call the first one. Syntactically I may be making a few mistakes, and hence the code is blowing up on me. Can someone assist?

NOTE: I would like to keep the logic of the second one intact. Essentially it wraps the output string in a ! and a space unlike the first one.

Edit: Here are the same functions written, so they are easier to read.

function composeValidators(...validators) {
  return function (value) {
    return validators.reduce((error, validator) => (
      error || validator(value)
    ), undefined)

function composeAccreditionValidators(...validators) {
  return function (value) {
    return validators.reduce((error, validator) => (
      validator(value) === undefined
        ? error
        : `! ${validator(value)}`
      ), undefined);


  • You could write a function that composes both of these functions, and takes a curried reducer function as input:

    const createComposeValidators = reducer => (...validators) => value =>
      validators.reduce(reducer(value), undefined)
    export const composeValidators = createComposeValidators(
      value => (error, validator) =>
        error || validator(value)
    export const composeAccreditionValidators = createComposeValidators(
      value => (error, validator) =>
        validator(value) === undefined ? error : `! ${validator(value)}`

    Here is the same function written so it is easier to read:

    function createComposeValidators(reducer) {
      return function composeValidators(...validators) {
        return function (value) {
          return validators.reduce(reducer(value), undefined)