I am trying to match a float followed by an optional space followed by a list of symbols which can be represented as follows
price of rldtoken
420 rld.token 0.28 btc
42.37 rldtoken to xrp
42.37rldtoken to xmr
cost of rldtoken
10 btc 12.47 rldtoken to xmr
btcc price
btc cost
I am currently using this regex
broken down as
((?:0|[1-9]\d*)?(?:\.\d+)?) Match float
\s* Match 0 or more spaces
\b(rld[\W_]*token|btcc|btc|ark|xmr|xrp)\b Match words
which matches all but 42.37rldtoken to xrp and 0.2btc, I am assuming this has to do something with space and word boundaries
If I remove the word boundary, it matches whatisrldtoken which I dont want to match.
Some directions on how to proceed would be super appreciated
EDIT Everything in action HERE
You may use tis regex:
To match floating point number it is more accurate to match number starting with dot separately in alternation rather than keeping both parts optional which will result in matching an empty string.