I am trying to push a spring application to PCF. In doing so, I get the following error: The user provided services exist.
Error creating bean with name 'dataSourceNWTC' defined in class path resource [com/*//****/*//config/CloudConfig.class]: Instantiation of bean failed; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanDefinitionStoreException: Factory method [public javax.sql.DataSource com.*****.....config.CloudConfig.nwPrepDataSource()] threw exception; nested exception is org.springframework.cloud.CloudException: No suitable ServiceConnectorCreator found: service id=dataSource-NWTC, service info type=org.springframework.cloud.service.BaseServiceInfo, connector type=interface javax.sql.DataSource
I have tried this with several versions.
<name>SpringSource Milestone Repository</name>
public class CloudConfig extends AbstractCloudConfig {
@Bean(name = "dataSourceAIMS")
public DataSource aimsDataSource() {
return connectionFactory().dataSource("dataSource-AIMS");
@Bean(name = "dataSourceNWTC")
public DataSource nwPrepDataSource() {
return connectionFactory().dataSource("dataSource-NWTC");
- name: some-name
path: target/some-name-1.0-SNAPSHOT.war
random-route: true
- java_buildpack_offline
- dataSource-AIMS
- dataSource-NWTC
No suitable ServiceConnectorCreator found
You'll see this when Spring Cloud Connectors doesn't know how to make a service object from the service info it's got in VCAP_SERVICES
and see if the type of service is supported by SCC. Also, look and confirm that the service info is structured in a way that the supported DB types would be able to understand.
Aside from that, I would strongly suggest you take a look at java-cfenv instead of Spring Cloud Connectors. I believe that is intended to be the successor to Spring Cloud Connectors.
Hope that helps!