I am trying to use Tampermonkey to find a UTC time offset and return it as as a time. The website shows an offset which I pull here
waitForKeyElements (".UTCText", getTZ_Offset);
which returns a string
console.log ("Found timezone offset: ", tzOffset);
usually like this 08:00
It can be + or -
Then i want to convert that into actual time. Eg if UTC time is 00:00
, I would like to print a string "The users time is 08:00" if the offset was +08:00.
I thought i could use momentjs to get UTC time moment().utcOffset(tzOffset)
and pass the offset.
When i do that it just returns NaN
What am I doing wrong?
Multiply the part before the :
by 60, and add it to the second part:
const tzOffset = '08:00';
const [hourOffset, minuteOffset] = tzOffset.split(':').map(Number);
const totalMinuteOffset = hourOffset * 60 + minuteOffset;
If the input may be negative, then check that as well:
const tzOffset = '-08:00';
const [_, neg, hourOffset, minuteOffset] = tzOffset.match(/(-)?(\d{2}):(\d{2})/);
const totalMinuteOffset = (neg ? -1 : 1) * (hourOffset * 60 + Number(minuteOffset));
A few time zones differ from UTC not only by hours, but by minutes as well (eg, UTC +5:30, UTC +9:30), so just parseInt
, even if it worked, wouldn't be reliable everywhere.