I am very new programmer to Java regular expressions. I do not want to use java split with delimiters and try getting the individual tokens. I don't feel its a neat way. I have the following string
"Some String lang:c,cpp,java file:build.java"
I want to break up this into three parts
1 part containing "Some String"
2 part containing "c,cpp,java"
3 String containing "build.java"
The lang:
and file:
can be placed any where and they are optional.
The lang: and file: can be placed any where and they are optional.
Try the following expressions to get the language list and the file:
String input = "Some String lang:c,cpp,java file:build.java";
String langExpression = "lang:([\\w,]*)";
String fileExpression = "file:([\w\.]*)";
Patter langPattern = Pattern.compile(langExpression);
Matcher langMatcher = langPattern.matcher(input);
if (langMatcher.matches()) {
String languageList = langMatcher.group(1);
Patter filePattern = Pattern.compile(fileExpression );
Matcher fileMatcher = filePattern.matcher(input);
if (fileMatcher .matches()) {
String filename= fileMatcher.group(1);
This should work with lang:xxx file:xxx
as well as file:xxx lang:xxx
as long as the language list or the filename don't contain whitespaces. This would also work if lang: and/or file: was missing.
Would you also expect a string like this: file:build.java Some String lang:c,cpp,java