I'm trying to update data in rows in my DB, but i catch error that there's no such column (no such column 'Moscow' or another)
This is DBHelper code:
public static final String tableName = "currentWeather";
public static final String KEY_ID = "_id";
public static final String cityName = "city";
public static final String cityTemp = "temperature";
And creating DB:
sqLiteDatabase.execSQL("create table " + tableName + "(" + KEY_ID + "
integer primary key autoincrement,"
+ cityName + " text," + cityTemp + " text, " + " UNIQUE(" + cityName +
and error shows when i try to execSQl in response:
"UPDATE " + DBHelper.tableName + " SET " +
DBHelper.cityTemp + "=" +
response.body().getForecastMain().getTemp() + "
+ DBHelper.cityName + "=" + cityName);
I expect to update temperature data in rows by cityName
and response.body().getForecastMain().getTemp()
are strings and they should be passed surrounded with single quotes to the sql statement:
"UPDATE " + DBHelper.tableName + " SET " + DBHelper.cityTemp + "='" + response.body().getForecastMain().getTemp() + "'" +
"WHERE " + DBHelper.cityName + " = '" + cityName + "'"
But the recommended and safe way of doing the update is with the use of ContentValues and ?
as placeholders for the parameters:
ContentValues cv = new ContentValues();
cv.put(DBHelper.cityTemp, String.valueOf(response.body().getForecastMain().getTemp()));
int rows = sqLiteDatabase.update(
DBHelper.cityName + " = ?",
new String[] {cityName}
You can examine the value of the integer variable rows.
If it is 1 this means that 1 row was updated (because cityName
is unique) so the update was successful.