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How to keep the state of HTML div after postback

I use CKEditor in my webform application like this:

  <div class="editor" runat="server" EnableViewState="true">
       <div cols="10" id="editor1" name="editor1" data-sample-short contenteditable="true" runat="server" EnableViewState="true">

I want to get editor1.InnerText after postback, and I can't because it's stateless HTML div, and at the same time I can't use server control equivalent because I already handled the required events on this control. How to keep the data after postback?


  • Use a hidden Text Field as follows:

    <asp:TextBox ID="tbTransfer" runat="server" TextMode="Multiline"></asp:TextBox>

    In Javascript:

    //Set Transfer Textbox display to none
    document.getElementById('MainContent_tbTransfer').style.display = "none";
    //Set Initial Source Code of CKEditor to Transfer TextBox's value
    //Use this function for when you want to do the PostBack
    function PostBack() {
        var temp = CKEDITOR.instances.editor1.getData();
        document.getElementById('MainContent_tbTransfer').value = temp.replace(/</g, "d123").replace(/>/g, "d321").replace(/&/g,"d111");

    In Code Behind:

    //Getting the HTML source code of CKEditor from the Transfer Textbox and Decrypting it
    string htmlToSave = tbTransfer.Text.Replace("d123", "<").Replace("d321", ">").Replace("d111", "&");
    //Setting back the Transfer Textbox's text to the decrypted HTML source code
    //for when the page reloads at the end of the function,
    //CKEditor sets its data = Transfer Textbox's Text
    tbTransfer.Text = htmlToSave;

    Encryption and Decryption of the HTML Code are necessary since Web Browsers will recognize the characters '<','>','&' as HTML tags and will not let you post back with plain HTML Text inside the Text box.

    And do not forget to change 'MainContent_tbTransfer' if your text box has a different id in the browser