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How to convert document.querySelectorAll() into ReactJS?

I am trying to convert a pure JavaScript, CSS, and HTML animated navbar into a ReactJS component to use in a project.

The original code is written in HTML with a separate CSS styling file, and a JavaScript file which is linked to the HTML code via <script> tag. The below is a code snippet of my JavaScript file that I am trying to convert into ReactJS:

const navSlide = () => {
    const burger = document.querySelector('.burger');
    const navLinks = document.querySelectorAll('.nav-links li');

    burger.addEventListener('click', ()=> {

    navLinks.forEach((link, index) => {
        if ( {
   = '';
        } else {
   = 'navLinkFade 0.5s ease forwards $(index / 7 + 1}s

The ReactJS component that I am trying to change to accommodate the above code snippet currently contains the following code:

import React, { useState } from "react";

const NavBar = () => {
  const [navOpened, setNavOpened] = useState(false);
  const navClassNames = navOpened ? "nav-links nav-active" : "nav-links";

  return (
    <div className="navbar">
        <div className="logo">
          <h4>Reuben McQueen</h4>
        <ul className={navClassNames}>
            <a href="#">Projects</a>
            {" "}
            <a href="#">Experiments</a>
            {" "}
            <a href="#">Skills</a>
            {" "}
            <a href="#">Contact Me</a>
        <div className="burger" onClick={() => setNavOpened(!navOpened)}>
          <div className="line1" />
          <div className="line2" />
          <div className="line3" />

export default NavBar;

The CSS for .nav-links li is the following:

.nav-links li {
    list-style: none;

The code should individually move in each list item after the time delay is given.


  • You should be able to map over your navlinks and apply styles to them (or lack thereof) depending upon the drawer state.. Something like this simulates what you are after, I believe..

    EDIT: I updated my answer to something a little more efficient...


    const NavBar = () => {
      const [navOpened, setNavOpened] = React.useState(false);
      const navLinks = ["One", "Two", "Three"];
      const handleBurgerClick = () => {
      return (
          <div onClick={handleBurgerClick} className="burger">BURGER {navOpened ? "(close " : "(open "}me)</div>
          <ul className="nav-links">
              ?, index) => {
                  return (
                        animation: `navLinkFade 0.5s ease forwards ${index / 7 + 0.1}s`
                      Link {nl}
              : ""}
    ReactDOM.render(<NavBar />, document.body);
    .burger {
      cursor: pointer;
      text-align: center;
      width: 80px;
    .burger:hover {
      color: blue;
    .nav-links li {
      list-style: none;
      opacity: 0;
    @keyframes navLinkFade {
      from {
        opacity: 0;
      to {
        opacity: 1;
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>

    MORE ADVANCED ANSWER (lets you fade in AND out)

    const NavBar = ({ navLinks = [] }) => {
      const [navOpened, setNavOpened] = React.useState(false);
      const [styles, setStyles] = React.useState({ opacity: 0 });
      const handleBurgerClick = () => {
          navOpened ? { name: 'navLinkFadeOut' } : { opacity: 0, name: 'navLinkFadeIn' }
      const oppositeIndex = (arr, index) => arr.indexOf([...arr].reverse()[index]);
      const getDelay = index => (navOpened ? index : oppositeIndex(navLinks, index)) / 7 + 0.1;
      const getStyle = index => {
        return ? {
          animation: `${} 0.5s ease forwards ${getDelay(index)}s` 
        } : styles;
      return (
          <button onClick={handleBurgerClick} className="burger">
            BURGER {navOpened ? "(close " : "(open "}me)
          <ul className='nav-links'>
            {, i) => <li style={getStyle(i)}>{e}</li>)}
      <NavBar navLinks={["One", "Two", "Three"]} />, 
    .burger {
      cursor: pointer;
      text-align: center;
      width: 140px;
      height: 25px;
    .burger:hover {
      color: blue;
    .nav-links li {
      list-style: none;
    @keyframes navLinkFadeIn {
      from {
        opacity: 0;
      to {
        opacity: 1;
    @keyframes navLinkFadeOut {
      from {
        opacity: 1;
      to {
        opacity: 0;
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>