I have a Matrix
class and a std::vector<Matrix>
. I also have 3 stages of calculation and each stage produces a std::vector<Matrix>
and I have to write these vectors of Matrix to stage1.txt
and stage3.txt
. I have written a function for this which will take stage
number as a parameter and output the vectors of Matrix to corresponding files. Currently my code looks like this:
void writeTrianglePointsToFile(int stage){
std::vector <Matrix> stageTriangles;
if(stage == 1) stageTriangles = stage1Triangles;
else if(stage == 2) stageTriangles = stage2Triangles;
else if(stage == 3) stageTriangles = stage3Triangles;
for(int i = 0 ; i < stageTriangles.size() ; i++){
int rows = stageTriangles[i].getMatrixRows() - 1; // discard last row
int columns = stageTriangles[i].getMatrixColumns();
for(int j = 0 ; j < columns ; j++){
for(int k = 0 ; k < rows ; k++){
if(stage == 1){
stage1OutputFile << std::fixed << std::setprecision(7) << std::showpoint << stageTriangles[i].matrix[k][j];
if(k != rows - 1) stage1OutputFile << " ";
} else if(stage == 2){
stage2OutputFile << std::fixed << std::setprecision(7) << std::showpoint << stageTriangles[i].matrix[k][j];
if(k != rows - 1) stage2OutputFile << " ";
} else if(stage == 3){
stage3OutputFile << std::fixed << std::setprecision(7) << std::showpoint << stageTriangles[i].matrix[k][j];
if(k != rows - 1) stage3OutputFile << " ";
if(stage == 1) stage1OutputFile << "\n";
else if(stage == 2) stage2OutputFile << "\n";
else if(stage == 3) stage3OutputFile << "\n";
if(stage == 1) stage1OutputFile << "\n";
else if(stage == 2) stage2OutputFile << "\n";
else if(stage == 3) stage3OutputFile << "\n";
Here stage1Triangles
and stage3Triangles
have been declared and computed elsewhere. stage1OutputFile
and stage3OutputFile
are all std::ofstream
As you can see, the code looks rather ugly, especially inside the nested for
loop. How can I redirect output to the desired file dynamically so that I don't have to deal with them in if-else
blocks? I want something similar to this:
// declare a stageTriangles and ofstream pair
if(stage == 1) set the pair to stage1Triangles and stage1OutputFile
else if(stage == 2) set the pair to stage2Triangles and stage2OutputFile
else if(stage == 3) ...
I tried:
std::ofstream stageOutputFile;
if(stage == 1){
stageTriangles = stage1Triangles;
stageOutputFile = stage1OutputFile;
but it produces an error. What am I doing wrong and how can I do it efficiently?
You just need to use some type of inderection.
std::ofstream *stageOutputFile;
if (stage == 1) {
stageOutputFile = &stage1OutputFile;
*stageOutputFile << ...;
std::ofstream& stageOutputFile[] = {stage1OutputFile, stage2OutputFile, stage3OutputFile};
stageOutputFile[stage] << ...
Or some other method...