I have a Map in managed bean
private Map<FaseProducao, Set<FichaTecnicaOperacao>> fichasTecnicasOperacaoResumo;
that reference to entity FichaTecnica:
public class FichaTecnica{
private Set<FichaTecnicaOperacao> operacoes;
which I need to pass as a parameter on a beans.put () to generate an xls with jett:
public void createRelatorioFichaTecnica(FichaTecnica fichaTecnica) throws IOException {
Map<String, Object> beans = new HashMap<String, Object>();
beans.put("operacaoResumo", fichasTecnicasOperacaoResumo);
try (ByteArrayOutputStream saida = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
InputStream template = this.getClass().getResourceAsStream("/templates/jett/fichaTecnica.xls");
Workbook workbook = transformer.transform(template, beans);) {
when the xls is generated the exception happens:
WARNING [javax.enterprise.resource.webcontainer.jsf.lifecycle] (default task-28) #{ProdutoManagedBean.createRelatorioFichaTecnica(row)}: net.sf.jett.exception.AttributeExpressionException: Expected a "java.util.Collection" for "items", got a "java.util.HashMap": "${operacaoResumo}".
so I'm not understanding this error because a Map is a correct collection? So why does not jett recognize it in items = "$ {operacaoResumo}"? I created this forEach based on the link on the site: http://jett.sourceforge.net/tags/forEach.html
As @rgettman said I did:
public void createRelatorioFichaTecnica(FichaTecnica fichaTecnica) throws IOException {
Map<String, Object> beans = new HashMap<String, Object>();
beans.put("operacaoResumo", fichasTechicasOperacaoResumo.keySet());
thank you all!