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ScriptEvalutionError : For Input string "" : When supplying a string as ID

I have set up a docker container for tinkerpop/gremlin-server on my dev machine.

I have an .NET Core application that uses Gremlin.Net version 3.4.1

I connect to the localhost docker using IGremlinClient and when passing the following query to add a vertex:


I then get the error:

ScriptEvaluationError: For input string: "56b7ddc6-7629-42d4-b748-bfbce0992f13"

When I run the query using the gremlin console the vertex is added:

gremlin> g.addV("Root").property(id,"56b7ddc6-7629-42d4-b748-bfbce0992f13")

How can I create a new vertex with a string as an Id when running through the IGremlinClient in my application?


  • Since you are using the default Gremlin Server Docker container you are getting this configuration for your hosted TinkerGraph:


    The IdManager is set to LONG so it will only accept input values that can be coerced to a long. You should change that setting to UUID perhaps given the string you are sending or perhaps ANY. You can read more about those options here.

    As a side note, I'd agree that the error message isn't helpful. Note that it has been improved for next release of 3.4.3/3.3.8.