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OpenERP 7 and jasper exports, Jasper report not working yet

I try to duplicate an OpenERP 7 server and a Jasper server, the existing servers are already connected and working.

I exported the OpenERP server Virtual machine and put it in my LAN at,

I exported the Jasper server Virtual machine and put it in my LAN at,

In OpenERP Configuration, in the menu Jasper Report > Configuration JasperServer I have set the host at When I click on Check Auth button, it's OK.

But when I try to do a report, I've got this error


(<class 'openerp.addons.jasper_server.jasperlib.ServerError'>,
<traceback object at 0x7f1dc9262f38>)

I think it failed to create a connection between OpenERP and Jasper, but I don't know how to solve it.

Ideas ?

Thank you, and sorry if my english is not perfect


  • 1) On Jasper report:

    openerp > databases : right click > Add new ressource > Datasource

    Fill fields.

    2) On iReport :

    openerp > reports : right click > Add > Folder

    Copy or create a report.

    3) On iReport :

    openerp > bases: right click > Add > Folder

    On this folder right click > Add > Jasper server report With the same name as the database name !

    Set the 1) datasource in the Datasource field,

    and the 2) report in the JRXML report.