I am new to Mockito and PowerMockito. I have a test method where I use PowerMockito to mock a static recursive method. I need to verify that particular method is invoked 2 times, but the test case fails. Also the actual method is not hit.
This is the code.
Testing method:
public class Util {
public static void methodToTest(String a, String b) {
methodToTest(c, d);
Test case :
public void testMethodToTest() {
Util.methodToTest(e, f);
verifyStatic(Util.class, Mockito.times(2));
Util.methodToTest(Matchers.anyString(), Matchers.anyString());
But when I run the test it fails with the following error.
Wanted 2 times but was 1 time.
at org.powermock.core.MockGateway.doMethodCall(MockGateway.java:182)
at org.powermock.core.MockGateway.doMethodCall(MockGateway.java:164)
at org.powermock.core.MockGateway.methodCall(MockGateway.java:141)
Ideally with Util.methodToTest(e, f) call,it should call the actual methodToTest twice.
I debugged the code and then I noticed that Util.methodToTest(e, f) call does not go inside the actual method.
What is the issue in this code? How can I verify that this recursive method is getting called twice?
Powermock version - 1.7.4
The problem here is that you are invoking intercepted method from inside of spied/mocked object. Interception is made when call is made from the outside. So original call is "registered" but not the internal one.
I am not sure it is a bug or expected behavior, but I have ran into the same issue some time ago (but not with statics) and If I recall I redesigned the test.