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BorPred in local iisexpress - is it memory leak?

I've installed BorPred in local iisexpress on clean server 2019 core. Debug in web.config is disabled, log4net setup changed to show only ERROR/FATAL. Borpred started with mem usage less than 20M, and then I connect to it mem usage start growing and this is ok. If I leave borpred alone for 1 hour it keeps running and it is normal too due to the periodic api/admin_WebApi/GetChangesSince calls. But the mem usage after 1 hour increased up to 600M I use TASKLIST command to check it. Question - is it normal behavior or it can be mem leak? Are there some settings to change/to check that can help to decrease mem usage? Thank you


  • New name for this product is MDrivenServer. The MDrivenServer has client synchronization - this builds up a list of changed identities. It will be expected to see a build up of memory due to update operations building the memory of the recently changed objects.

    The MDrivenServer also has internal EcoSpaces to handle its own administration and ServerSide jobs - these will be garbaged and recreated when used a certain period of time.

    .NET does not necessarily release memory from processes that have shown a need for the memory in the past - this causes you to see the used memory to equal the worst case need - like if you have a server-side job that pushes memory usage and it run once a day - the memory usage may still reflect the max usage.