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Running Yaws Apps

I am quite new to erlang and yaws. I after playing around with the language and easy yaws features like ehtml and normal appmods I tried to write a yapp. I followed and to get it more or less running. It simply consists of an .app file and a simple test.erl/beam that just has a out/1. Yaws starts without a problem and loads the yapp. When I run yaws in the interactive mode and call test:out(somehting) it works fine. When I surf the url (with browser or curl) I get an

=ERROR REPORT==== Date ===
Yaws process died:...

and nothing returned to the client. I have been trying around a couple of things, but I haven't found the problem yet.

I believe the problem is in my .app file... I hope you can help my. I added the content of the .app and my localhost-ssl.conf below.

marc@server:~$ cat /usr/lib/yaws/lib/api/ebin/ 
{application, api,
 [{description,"cloudia api as yapp"},
  {registered, []},
  {env, [

marc@server:~$ sudo cat /etc/yaws/conf.d/localhost-ssl.conf
<server localhost>
    port = 443
    listen =
    docroot = /usr/share/yaws
    arg_rewrite_mod = api
    #dir_listings = true
        keyfile = /etc/yaws/yaws-key.pem
        certfile = /etc/yaws/yaws-cert.pem
    yapp_server_id = edo



  • If you carefully follow the yapp instructions provided at the Yaws website everything should work fine. Be sure to remember to:

    • set the global runmod configuration variable to yapp
    • set your server configuration arg_rewrite_mod to yapp
    • within your server configuration opaque block, set bootstrap_yapps to yapp

    To avoid the need to create an mnesia database for your yapp you can either try setting your yapp as an additional bootstrap_yapp in your server configuration, or just use the yapp_ets_server module instead. You can find instructions for using yapp_ets_server at the top of its source file.