I am using MapQuest.Js to show map. When user clicks on the map i want to get latitude and longitude and also a value of the radio which is DOM element.
<link type=\"text/css\" rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"https://api.mqcdn.com/sdk/mapquest-js/v1.3.2/mapquest.css\"/>
<input name="ismarked" type="radio" value="Yes" checked="checked"> Yes
<input name="ismarked" type="radio" value="No"> No
<div id="mapcontainer" name="mapcontainer" class="w-100" style="height:700px">
<div id="map" name="map" class="w-100 h-100"></div>
$(function () {
var _map;
$.getScript("https://api.mqcdn.com/sdk/mapquest-js/v1.3.2/mapquest.js", function () {
function renderMap() {
var mapdiv = $("#map")[0];
L.mapquest.key = 'KEY';
var myRenderer = L.canvas({ padding: 0.5 });
_map = L.mapquest.map(mapdiv, {
center: [35, -84],
layers: L.mapquest.tileLayer('hybrid'),
zoom: 4,
renderer: myRenderer
}).on('click', function (e) {
In click event of the map i am getting correct latitude and longitude value, however radio value is always returns "Yes" even i selected "No".
The problem is $("input[name='ismarked']").val()
will always return the value of the first radio
You want the checked one so add :checked
selector to it