I'd like to run an interactive CLI program from within Clojure (e.g., vim) and be able to interact with it.
In bash and other programming languages, I can do that with
vim > `tty`
I tried to do the same in Clojure:
(require '[clojure.java.shell :as shell])
(shell/sh "vim > `tty`")
but it just opens vim without giving me tty.
Background: I'm developing a Clojure CLI tool which parses emails and lets a user edit the parsed data before saving them on the disk. It works the following way:
This code relies on Clojure Java interop to make use of Java's ProcessBuilder
(defn -main
;use doseq instead of for because for is lazily evaluated
(doseq [i [1 2 3]]
;extract current directory from system variable
(let [file-name (str "test" i ".txt")
working-directory (trim-newline (:out (sh "printenv" "PWD")))]
(spit file-name "")
;this is where fun begins. We use ProcessBuilder to forward commands to terminal
;we pass a list of commands and their arguments to its constructor
(let [process-builder (java.lang.ProcessBuilder. (list "vim" (str working-directory "/" file-name)))
;inherit is a configuration constant
inherit (java.lang.ProcessBuilder$Redirect/INHERIT)]
;we configure input, output and error redirection
(.redirectOutput process-builder inherit)
(.redirectError process-builder inherit)
(.redirectInput process-builder inherit)
;waitFor used to block execution until vim is closed
(.waitFor (.start process-builder))
;additional processing here
;not necessary but script tends to hang for around 30 seconds at end of its execution
;so this command is used to terminate it instantly
(System/exit 0)