I have following data:
Surname: John Walter Friedrich
Name: Waterford Harrington from Downhill
Each Word (separated by " "
) in a new Column (here: "Surname:"=A1, "John"=B1, ... "Friedrich"=D1).
I have a Userform with textboxes.
What I want: Copy the Words from cells A1:(last not empty cell in row) into textbox in Userform.
-> Textbox filled with: "John Walter Friedrich"
(separated by " "
I tried various codes, but didn't found anything what matches my problem.
What I don't want: Combine rows! Thats what I found, but I have for one textbox just one row. So I dont want do go through each row until one is empty (because the next one is full).
PS: I can't get the data in my Excel sheet separated with " "
to copy it. Problem: First Word (Surname or Name) should not be copied!
Test this:
Public Sub Test()
Dim InputText As String
InputText = "Surname: John Walter Friedrich" 'or Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1").Value
MsgBox Right$(InputText, Len(InputText) - InStr(1, InputText, " "))
End Sub