I am able decrypt AES encrypted message using Node's crypto library as follow
const crypto = require('crypto');
const encryptedData = 'b6ab428efbcb93c2f483178114ac0608530e54428f1378c6d3be108531b730d1888e562044cd3acb8844a04d9d7602d83b96f0a758248ffd07cd9c530b76c91c';
const decryptResponse2 = (data) => {
const key = 'F5:A4:F4:AB:BF:68:CF:86:51:B4:AA';
const iv = Buffer.from(data.substring(0, 32), 'hex');
const payload = data.substring(32);
const decipher = crypto.createDecipheriv('aes-256-cbc', key, iv).setAutoPadding(false);
const decipherFinal = decipher.update(payload, 'hex', 'utf8') + decipher.final('utf8');
I create a script using crypto-js
library as that is available to be used in browser. The code I tried is as follow:
const crypto = require('crypto-js');
const encryptedData = 'b6ab428efbcb93c2f483178114ac0608530e54428f1378c6d3be108531b730d1888e562044cd3acb8844a04d9d7602d83b96f0a758248ffd07cd9c530b76c91c';
const decryptResponse = (data) => {
const key = 'F5:A4:F4:AB:BF:68:CF:86:51:B4:AA';
const iv = Buffer.from(data.substring(0, 32), 'hex');
const payload = data.substring(32);
let decryptedData = crypto.AES.decrypt(
iv: iv,
mode: crypto.mode.CBC,
padding: crypto.pad.NoPadding
However, not only is it generating wrong decrypted data, the decrypted message is not even consistent. I don't know what I am doing wrong as I do not know much about encryption and decryption.
Any help will be apriciated.
Thanks to @GrafiCode pointing me to the right place, I was able to solve it using format
property of config object.
Following is the code:
const crypto = require('crypto-js');
const encryptedData = 'b6ab428efbcb93c2f483178114ac0608530e54428f1378c6d3be108531b730d1888e562044cd3acb8844a04d9d7602d83b96f0a758248ffd07cd9c530b76c91c';
const decryptResponse = (data) => {
const key = crypto.enc.Utf8.parse('F5:A4:F4:AB:BF:68:CF:86:51:B4:AA');
const iv = crypto.enc.Hex.parse(data.substring(0, 32));
const payload = data.substring(32);
let decryptedData = crypto.AES.decrypt(
iv: iv,
mode: crypto.mode.CBC,
// padding: crypto.pad.NoPadding,
format: crypto.format.Hex
I commented out the padding: crypto.pad.NoPadding
as there were non-printable characters at the end of the decryptedData when it was enabled.