So I'm using react-tabs for my web app which is currently comprised of three component (one tab each). I have a global.css
which is loaded and applied to all tabs. I also have three separate CSS-files which should only be applied to each corresponding tab. Each tab/component is a separate JS-file and imports the corresponding style-sheet like so:
import '../stylesheets/Corresponding.css';
But since I implemented react-tabs all three style-sheets get loaded globally and therefore all get applied to each tab which I do not want.
I tried this for each tab:
import styles from '../stylesheets/Corresponding.css';
render() {
return (
<div className="App" style={styles}>
But they still get loaded globally. How can I make sure each style-sheet/CSS-file only applied to the corresponding tab and nothing else while keeping the structure of having one CSS-File per component?
I would suggest use particular id to write css as each tab have there own id so that way those css will reflect to particular tab only.
Also I would say if you are writing more then a hundred line of css then you may required multiple css if not then one single css file wan't make much difference.