I'm working on an embedded Jetty + Wicket app and I'm using buildr. Right now, Buildr isn't including the HTML files (which are in the main source folder, alongside my *.java files) in the jar. How can I tell buildr to include them in the compilation/package step?
Thanks for the suggestions, I think I'm close. Maybe the question I should be asking is how to get the .HTML files into the right place in the target/classes/ subdirectory? I've confirmed that if I can get the .html files in the target/classes folder, package(:jar) archives them. I'm going to start looking at that.
Thanks for the suggestions, I think I'm close. Maybe the question I should be asking is how to get the .HTML files into the right place in the target/classes/ subdirectory? I've confirmed that if I can get the .html files in the target/classes folder, package(:jar) archives them. I'm going to start looking at that.
It sounds like what you want to do, then, is treat the java source paths as resource paths. Here's how I do that in a project I converted to buildr after it was already pretty large:
# Uses before_define to default all projects to including their resources from
# src/main/java instead of src/main/resources (& similar for test) if
# those source directories exist
module InlineResources
include Buildr::Extension
before_define do |p|
[p.resources, p._("src/main/java")],
[p.test.resources, p._("src/test/java")]
].each do |res, path|
if File.exist?(path)
class Buildr::Project
include InlineResources
This will put the *.html files in target/resources
and from there they will be added to the package.