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ItemReader Code repetition problem in spring batch

Suppose I have two classes implemented in the following manner (Ommiting job and chunk code for the sake of clarity). Each reader will have a delimiter based on the configuration class they are declared.

1) There is clearly code repetition that I would love to generalize in another class, because if I decide to add code in class*ItemReader(), I would have to do it across several files. How can that be accomplished? Not only the "delimiter" is important here, but the class inside <> in the itemReaderBuilder

2) How can I avoid having different names for each of the methods? the are basically the same, they just need a different class inside <> and a different delimiter.

3) How can I avoid the need to save the reader inside the configuration class to calculate the resource path in runtime (using a tasklet) as is date based.

public ClassA{

    private String delimiter;

    private ItemReader reader;

    public ItemReader classAItemReader(){

            reader =  FlatFileItemReaderBuilder<ObjectA>

            return reader

public ClassB{

    private String delimiter;

    private ItemReader reader;

    public ItemReader classBItemReader(){

            reader =  FlatFileItemReaderBuilder<ObjectA>

            return reader


  • One option I see for your use case is to define an abstract generic configuration class in which you define a generic reader. Here is an example:

    import org.springframework.batch.item.ItemReader;
    import org.springframework.batch.item.file.builder.FlatFileItemReaderBuilder;
    import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Value;
    import org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean;
    public abstract class MyReaderConfiguration<T> {
        private String delimiter;
        @Value("${file.columns}") // column1,column2
        private String fields;
        public ItemReader<T> itemReader(){
            return new FlatFileItemReaderBuilder<T>()

    Other parts of your job definition can go in a subclass with the desired target type (ObjectA or ObjectB).