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Nativescript Core ListView using fetch with JSON data/object

I have spent the better part of a full day looking through this site and the rest of the inter webs to piece together something that is probably a no-brainer for all of you top dogs. There is nothing I found that was all encompassing and overall most of the samples are missing some level of clarity.

SO I wanted to trying and accomplish an MVVM pattern and simply take JSON results from a webservice and populate a list view :)

The webservice returns this

[{"total_bulls":"651","GenericName":"Aripiprazole","brandName":"Abilify","drugCat":"Atypical Antipsychotic","bullID":2793,"fastURL":"http:\/\/got*****.com\/drug-bulletin\/abilify\/","litAlertLvl":"High"},{"total_bulls":"651","GenericName":"Zafirlukast","brandName":"Accolate","drugCat":"Leukotriene Antagonist","bullID":2794,"fastURL":"http:\/\/got****.com\/drug-bulletin\/accolate\/","litAlertLvl":"Withdrawn"},{"total_bulls":"651","GenericName":"Albuterol Sulfate Inhalation Solution","brandName":"AccuNeb","drugCat":"Bronchodilator","bullID":2855,"fastURL":"http:\/\/go***.com\/drug-bulletin\/accuneb\/","litAlertLvl":"Low"},{"total_bulls":"651","GenericName":"Quinapril Hydrochloride","brandName":"Accupril","drugCat":"ACE Inhibitor","bullID":2661,"fastURL":"http:\/\/go****.com\/drug-bulletin\/accupril\/","litAlertLvl":"Low"},{"total_bulls":"651","GenericName":"Quinapril HCl\/Hydrochlorothiazide","brandName":"Accuretic","drugCat":"ACE Inhibitor\/Thiazide Diuretic","bullID":2813,"fastURL":"http:\/\/got****.com\/drug-bulletin\/accuretic\/","litAlertLvl":"High"}]

I want the ListView to display the proper data and trigger a click action. The problems i ran into surrounded getting the results from the call to the webservice to populate the listview.

I can manually populate the model like this:

const viewModel = observableModule.fromObject({

    bulletins: []

    // Setting the listview binding source
    bulletins: [
            "total_bulls": "651",
            "GenericName": "Aripiprazole",
            "brandName": "Abilify",
            "drugCat": "Atypical Antipsychotic",
            "bullID": 2793,
            "fastURL": "http://g****",
            "litAlertLvl": "High"
          }, {
            "total_bulls": "651",
            "GenericName": "Zafirlukast",
            "brandName": "Accolate",
            "drugCat": "Leukotriene Antagonist",
            "bullID": 2794,
            "fastURL": "http://g****.com/drug-bulletin/accolate/",
            "litAlertLvl": "Withdrawn"
          }, {
            "total_bulls": "651",
            "GenericName": "Albuterol Sulfate Inhalation Solution",
            "brandName": "AccuNeb",
            "drugCat": "Bronchodilator",
            "bullID": 2855,
            "fastURL": "http://go****.com/drug-bulletin/accuneb/",
            "litAlertLvl": "Low"


However trying to do this with the JSON results from the call proved to be challenging.


  • After many hours of trial and error I came to this working pattern. Improvements on this are welcome.

    Spin up a vanilla JS Core Nativescript 'Drawer Navigation' template project from either Sidekick or from here and add these scripts (I put the first 3 in a folder named "bulletins" and the last one in a folder named "services").

    I also added the list-view plugin.


    <Page class="page" navigatingTo="onNavigatingTo" 
        <ActionBar class="action-bar">
            Use the NavigationButton as a side-drawer button in Android
            because ActionItems are shown on the right side of the ActionBar
            <NavigationButton ios:visibility="collapsed" icon="res://menu" tap="onDrawerButtonTap"></NavigationButton>
            Use the ActionItem for IOS with position set to left. Using the
            NavigationButton as a side-drawer button in iOS is not possible,
            because its function is to always navigate back in the application.
            <ActionItem icon="res://navigation/menu" android:visibility="collapsed" tap="onDrawerButtonTap" ios.position="left">
            <Label class="action-bar-title" text="Bulletins"></Label>
        <GridLayout class="page-content">
            <Label class="page-icon fa" text="&#xf005;"></Label>
            <Label class="page-placeholder" text="<!-- Page content goes here -->"></Label>
                <ListView items="{{ bulletins }}" itemTap="onItemTap" loaded="{{ onListViewLoaded }}" 
                separatorColor="orangered" rowHeight="100" height="500" class="list-group" id="listView" row="2">
                        <!-- The item template can only have a single root view container (e.g. GriLayout, StackLayout, etc.) -->
                        <StackLayout class="list-group-item">
                            <Label text="{{ GenericName || 'Downloading...' }}" textWrap="true" class="title" />
                            <Label text="{{ brandName || 'Downloading...' }}" textWrap="true" class="title" />


    const app = require("tns-core-modules/application");
    const BulletinsViewModel = require("./bulletins-view-model");
    const listViewModule = require("tns-core-modules/ui/list-view");
    function onNavigatingTo(args) {
        const page = args.object;
        //bind the page to this the viewModel Function
        page.bindingContext = new BulletinsViewModel();
        //now call the function that GETS the data from the API AFTER the model is declared
    exports.onNavigatingTo = onNavigatingTo;
    function onListViewLoaded(args) {
        const listView = args.object;
    exports.onListViewLoaded = onListViewLoaded;
    function onItemTap(args) {
        const index = args.index;
        console.log(`Second ListView item tap ${index}`);
    exports.onItemTap = onItemTap;
    function onDrawerButtonTap(args) {
        const sideDrawer = app.getRootView();
    exports.onDrawerButtonTap = onDrawerButtonTap;


    const observableModule = require("tns-core-modules/data/observable");
    const SelectedPageService = require("../shared/selected-page-service");
    const bulletinService = require("~/services/bulletin-service");
    function BulletinsViewModel() {
        //declare the viewmodel
        const viewModel = observableModule.fromObject({
            //declare the properties of this viewmodel
            bulletins: []
        //declare a function to be called LATER during the navigation to the view
        BulletinsViewModel.showBulletins = function () {
            //call the fetch function and pass it the users info
                user: 'admin',
                password: this.password
            }).then((r) => {
                //pass the response to the properties of the model
                viewModel.bulletins = r;
                .catch((e) => {
                    alert("Unfortunately we could not find any bulletins");
        return viewModel;
    module.exports = BulletinsViewModel;


    exports.allBulletins = function () {
        return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
                .then((response) => response.json())
                .then((r) => {
                    if (r.total_bulls == 0) {
                        //console.log('No Bulletins Found' + r.total_bulls);
                    //console.log('JSON Bulletins Found' + JSON.stringify(r));
                }).catch((err) => {