Im trying to implement jumping mechanics so i have 2 states, falling and jumping. I code it this way that if its not jumping its falling and the other way around, bool switches when player is at the pick of jump and thats when jumpSpedDecrease > 0.299f, in code there u can see that in that if statement theres cout saying "This code should work". When i run program i can see this in code but the values i change there stay same way, but it obviously should change.
if (isJumping)
fallingSpeed = 0;
falSpedIncrease = 0;
birdSprite.setPosition(pos.x, pos.y - (jumpStartSped - jumpSpedDecrease) * time.asMilliseconds() * jumpingSpeed);
jumpSpedDecrease += jumpSpedDcrsValue;
std::cout << " jumpStartSped: " << jumpStartSped << " jumpSpedDecrease: " << jumpSpedDecrease << " jumpSpedDcrsValue: " << jumpSpedDcrsValue << " fallingSpeed: " << fallingSpeed << std::endl;
if (jumpSpedDecrease > 0.299f)
float fallingSpeed = 1;
float startSped = 0.004f;
float falSpedIcrsValue = 0.001f;
float falSpedIncrease = 0;
float jumpingSpeed = 1;
float jumpStartSped = 0.3f;
float jumpSpedDcrsValue = 0.001f;
float jumpSpedDecrease = 0;
std::cout << "This code should work" << std::endl;
if (jumpSpedDecrease > 0.3f) isJumping = false;`
Whole code here:
#include <SFML\Graphics.hpp>
#include <iostream>
using namespace sf;
class Player
float fallingSpeed = 1;
float startSped = 0.004f;
float falSpedIcrsValue = 0.001f;
float falSpedIncrease = 0;
float jumpingSpeed = 1;
float jumpStartSped = 0.3f;
float jumpSpedDcrsValue = 0.001f;
float jumpSpedDecrease = 0;
bool isJumping = false;
Vector2u windowSize;
Time time;
Texture birdTex;
Sprite birdSprite;
void loadingSprite()
if (!birdTex.loadFromFile("./../Textures/flappyBird.png"))
std::cerr << "Cannot load texture" << std::endl;
Vector2u size = birdTex.getSize();
birdSprite.setOrigin(size.x/2, size.y/2);
birdSprite.setScale(0.1f, 0.1f);
birdSprite.setPosition(windowSize.x/2, windowSize.y/2);
void falling()
if (!isJumping)
Vector2f pos = birdSprite.getPosition();
birdSprite.setPosition(pos.x, pos.y + (startSped +
falSpedIncrease) * time.asMilliseconds() * fallingSpeed);
falSpedIncrease += falSpedIcrsValue;
void jump()
Vector2f pos = birdSprite.getPosition();
if (Keyboard::isKeyPressed(Keyboard::Space)) isJumping = true;
if (isJumping)
fallingSpeed = 0;
falSpedIncrease = 0;
birdSprite.setPosition(pos.x, pos.y - (jumpStartSped -
jumpSpedDecrease) * time.asMilliseconds() * jumpingSpeed);
jumpSpedDecrease += jumpSpedDcrsValue;
std::cout << " jumpStartSped: " << jumpStartSped << "
jumpSpedDecrease: " << jumpSpedDecrease << " jumpSpedDcrsValue: " <<
jumpSpedDcrsValue << " fallingSpeed: " << fallingSpeed << std::endl;
if (jumpSpedDecrease > 0.299f)
float fallingSpeed = 1;
float startSped = 0.004f;
float falSpedIcrsValue = 0.001f;
float falSpedIncrease = 0;
float jumpingSpeed = 1;
float jumpStartSped = 0.3f;
float jumpSpedDcrsValue = 0.001f;
float jumpSpedDecrease = 0;
std::cout << "This code should work" << std::endl;
if (jumpSpedDecrease > 0.3f) isJumping = false;
int main()
Clock clock;
RenderWindow window(VideoMode(600, 600), "Dupako");
Player player;
player.windowSize = window.getSize();
while (window.isOpen())
Event event;
while (window.pollEvent(event)) {
if (event.type == Event::Closed) window.close();
Time time = clock.getElapsedTime();
player.time = time;
/// DRAW ///
/// DRAW END ///
return 0;
Reconsider these lines:
if (jumpSpedDecrease > 0.299f)
float fallingSpeed = 1;
float startSped = 0.004f;
float falSpedIcrsValue = 0.001f;
float falSpedIncrease = 0;
float jumpingSpeed = 1;
float jumpStartSped = 0.3f;
float jumpSpedDcrsValue = 0.001f;
float jumpSpedDecrease = 0;
std::cout << "This code should work" << std::endl;
if (jumpSpedDecrease > 0.3f) isJumping = false;
Here you just create some local variables (e.g. float jumpSpedDecrease = 0), thereby not modifying the class fields. For example, the fallingSpeed (class field) set to 0 here:
if (isJumping)
fallingSpeed = 0;
falSpedIncrease = 0;
is not set back to 1, when the jump ends. And you use this field in the falling() method. I suggest removing float type specifiers first (inside of if (jumpSpedDecrease > 0.299f) {} statement).