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Need clarification in understanding a custom core.logic constraint

I was trying to understand a custom core.logic constraint as defined below,

(defne lefto
  "x appears to the left of y in collection l."
  [x y l]
  ([_ _ [x . tail]] (membero y tail))
  ([_ _ [_ . tail]] (lefto x y tail)))

How to interpret _ and . in the context of core.logic?


  • defne is a macro that uses a special pattern matching syntax, but behaves similarly to conde. (FYI the e in each of these stands for "everything" i.e. every clause can contribute.)

    • The _ underscores indicate a value that must be present, but you don't care what it is.
    • The . indicates a concatenation of items to the left of . and the tail of the list to the right of .. This is used to bind both individual items of a list and the remainder of the list to different values. (Also see llist in core.logic.)

    A similar destructuring of a sequence in Clojure would use & instead of .:

    (let [[_ _ [_ & tail]] coll] ...)

    So the following pattern means "we don't care about the first or second input argument, but the third should be a list where we the head is x (i.e. equal to the function's x input argument) and bind the tail to tail":

    [_ _ [x . tail]]

    Also note that tail can be the empty list here, and you can bind more than one value before the ..

    Since your example is a recursive goal, it will eventually terminate by either finding x before y, or it will fail to match either pattern because l will (eventually) be the empty list () which won't match either case.

    Simpler example

    The membero definition itself is a simpler example of the same idea:

    (defne membero
      "A relation where l is a collection, such that l contains x."
      [x l]
      ([_ [x . tail]])
      ([_ [head . tail]]
        (membero x tail)))

    There are two clauses, each represented by a top-level list ():

    1. [_ [x . tail]] - The first _ represents the input x arg we don't care to match on. The [x . tail] describes a pattern for the second argument l where if x is the head of l, then this pattern matches and membero succeeds.
    2. [_ [head . tail] - The _ means the same thing here. But notice we've given a new name to the head of l, which only needs to be a non-empty list to satisfy this pattern. If it matches, then we recurse with (membero x tail) to continue searching.

    Only the first clause can make the goal successful, by finding x in a (sub)list of l; the second clause is only used to destructure the head and tail of l and recurse.

    Here's membero translated with conde and no pattern matching:

    (defn memberoo [x l]
        [(fresh [a d]
           (conso a d l)
           (== a x))]
        [(fresh [a d]
           (conso a d l)
           (memberoo x d))]))