I want to change material on position 2 , when i change material in my code it get changed on position 0 not on position 1.
I don't know how i can change material on position 1 .. This is code that changes material on position [0]
public Material[] materials;
public Renderer rend;
// Start is called before the first frame update
void Start()
rend= GetComponent<Renderer>();
// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
rend.material = materials[1];
I want to change material on this picture with name New Material 2 To material which i define in code.
Thank you community very much :)
It changes on index 0 and not index 1 because you are using rend.material instead of rend.materials
public class MaterialChanger : MonoBehaviour {
public Material[] Materials;
public MeshRenderer MeshRenderer;
void Start() {
MeshRenderer = gameObject.GetComponent<MeshRenderer>();
void Update() {
int requredMaterialIndex = 1; //this is just test value
MeshRenderer.materials[1] = Materials[requredMaterialIndex];
And I suggest you to always use Meshrenderer instead of Renderer just for efficiency