i need to print the values of lot number in the inventory detail line field which is actually a small icon, when i hit it, it opens a small window that has line items. i just need to print them on my Suitelet printout.
i tried to run this loop but its printing the value(lot number) of the first line but for the other lines its showing NULL.
var countitem=invAdjRec.getLineItemCount('inventory');
for (var c1=1;c1<=countitem;c1++)
var invDet = invAdjRec.getCurrentLineItemValue('inventory','inventorydetailavail');
var text="";
if (invDet == 'T')
var rec= invAdjRec.viewLineItemSubrecord('inventory', 'inventorydetail',c1);
var invcount = rec.getLineItemCount('inventoryassignment');
for(var xx = 1; xx <=invcount ; xx++)
rec.selectLineItem('inventoryassignment', xx);
var idLot= rec.getLineItemText('inventoryassignment', 'issueinventorynumber',xx);
nlapiLogExecution('debug','idLot',idLot+':'+ xx)
text = text + 'Lot Number: ' + idLot + '\n';
Try this:
var idLot = rec.getCurrentLineItemValue('inventoryassignment', 'receiptinventorynumber');
Just tried that on one of my account and works fine.