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Metrics not showing properly with gauge type in Kibana

My area and line charts properly show the average of system.cpu.user.pct and system.memory.used.pct. 0.4 as 40%

enter image description here

However, when I use gauge type visualization, it doesn't show the data properly. Gauge expresses 0.4 not as 40% but seems to take it as 0.4 percent.

enter image description here

I want to multiply the value of system.cpu.user.pct and system.memory.used.pct by 100 to solve this problem

enter image description here

I have a feeling that maybe I could do something here. Value * 100 ? Can anyone give me tips?


  • So as I mentioned in the comments section above, executions of scripts are always slowing down your queries since the output has to be calculated every time your dataset updates.

    To avoid this, a simple solution would be to adapt the ranges of your gauge by dividing them by 100. Essentially this will lead to the same result as with the script by going the other way around (division by 100 instead of multiplication of 100).