I need to call SetSettings()
and using the 3 elements in splitSettings
, set EncodeAudio
to False
How would I go about doing that? Convert the property of a object to who's name I have in a string.
I realize I could do with with a switch statement of all my settings but there has to be a more dynamic way to go about doing this.
namespace SettingsLib
public class Settings
public Boolean EncodeAudio { get; set; }
namespace Service
void SetSettings()
string[] splitSettings = { "SettingsLib.Settings", "EncodeAudio", "False" };
// Need to set EncodeAudio to False in SettingsLib.Settings
Yes I have a instance of Settings
Settings settingManager = new Settings();
I am trying to do is dynamically set EncodeAudo to False by using elements of splitSettings
settingManager.EncodeAudio = False;
Thanks to the help of TBohnen.jnr I came to this answer:
public void setProperty(object containingObject, string propertyName, object newValue)
foreach (PropertyInfo p in containingObject.GetType().GetProperties())
if (p.Name == propertyName)
p.SetValue(containingObject, Convert.ChangeType(newValue, p.PropertyType), null);
EDIT Tested it with int, bool, double and string and it worked, also added a check to make sure that the property exists and throws an exception of it doesn't (Might want to change Exception type)
EDIT 2: Temporary solution, will add more typenames to the convert method or alternatively if somebody can suggest a more dynamic way of casting it (If not then I assume you will have to know all of the types that will be used)?
EDIT3 Stole the convert method from another answer in question (Chris Taylor ), thanks :-)
public void setProperty(object containingObject, string propertyName, object newValue)
if (containingObject.GetType().GetProperties().Count(c => c.Name == propertyName) > 0)
var type = containingObject.GetType().GetProperties().First(c => c.Name == propertyName).PropertyType;
object val = Convert(type,(string)newValue);
containingObject.GetType().InvokeMember(propertyName, BindingFlags.SetProperty, null, containingObject, new object[] { val });
throw new KeyNotFoundException("The property: " + propertyName + " was not found in: " + containingObject.GetType().Name);
public object convert(System.Type type, string value)
return Convert.ChangeType(value, type);
Taken from http://www.haslo.ch/blog/setproperty-and-getproperty-with-c-reflection/
Was interested to see if this works, create a quick test:
class testSettings
public bool SetBool { get; set; }
public void setProperty(object containingObject, string propertyName, object newValue)
if (containingObject.GetType().GetProperties().Count(c => c.Name == propertyName) > 0)
containingObject.GetType().InvokeMember(propertyName, BindingFlags.SetProperty, null, containingObject, new object[] { newValue });
throw new KeyNotFoundException("The property: " + propertyName + " was not found in: " + containingObject.GetType().Name);
static void Main(string[] args)
testSettings ts = new testSettings();
ts.SetBool = false;
ts.setProperty(ts, "SetBool", true);
The output is true, not entirely sure if it will convert all types correctly though.