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Scala object extends nothing

I came across a piece of code in our codebase, which looked invalid to me, but compiled successfully and worked.

object Main extends {
  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
    print("Hello World")

Hello World

Can someone explain me, what happens here?
Does Main class extend here an anonymous class/trait?


  • If we decompile the code using scala -Xprint:typer, we see that Main extends AnyRef:

    scalac -Xprint:typer Main.scala                                                                                               
    [[syntax trees at end of                     typer]] // Main.scala
    package com.yuvalitzchakov {
      object Main extends scala.AnyRef {
        def <init>(): com.yuvalitzchakov.Main.type = {
        def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = scala.Predef.print("Hello World")

    This is also documented in the Scala specification under object/class definition:

    An object definition defines a single object of a new class. Its most general form is object m extends t. Here, m is the name of the object to be defined, and t is a template of the form

    sc with mt1 with … with mtn { stats } which defines the base classes, behavior and initial state of m. The extends clause extends sc with mt1 with … with mtn can be omitted, in which case extends scala.AnyRef is assumed.

    This syntax is also valid for early initializers:

    abstract class X {
      val name: String
      val size = name.size
    class Y extends {
      val name = "class Y"
    } with X