I'm in the process of refactoring a huge workbook woth a lot of legacy parts, redundant computations, cross-dependencies etc.
Basically, I'm trying to remove unneeded sheets and implement some proper information flow within the workbook. Is there a good way to extract the dependencies between the sheets (with VBA)?
Thanks Martin
I came up with a little sub to do this. It moves all the sheets into seperate workbooks and prints out the dependencies. The advantage over using showPrecedents
is that it captures all links including names, embedded forms/diagramms etc.
Word of warning: Moving worksheets isn't undo-able, save your workbook before running this and close (without saving) and re-open afterwards.
Sub printDependencies()
' Changes workbook structure - save before running this
Dim wbs As VBA.Collection, wb As Workbook, ws As Worksheets
Dim i As Integer, s As String, wc As Integer
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
Set wbs = New VBA.Collection
wbs.Add ThisWorkbook, ThisWorkbook.FullName
For i = ws.Count To 2 Step -1
wc = Application.Workbooks.Count
wbs.Add Application.Workbooks(wc), Application.Workbooks(wc).FullName
Dim wb As Workbook
For Each wb In wbs
For Each s In wb.LinkSources(xlExcelLinks)
Debug.Print wb.Worksheets(1).Name & "<-" & wbs(s).Worksheets(1).Name
End Sub
The code isn't very polished or user-friendly, but it works.