My question is similar to Symfony form inheritance : Neither the property nor one of the methods exist but there are no templates included.
I have a nested form
n children
class DemandTypeExtension extends AbstractTypeExtension {
public function buildForm(...): void
->add('home', HomeType::class, [
class HomeType extends AbstractType {
public function buildForm(): void {
->add('children', CollectionType::class, [
'entry_type' => ChildrenType::class,
'allow_add' => true,
'by_reference' => false,
'allow_delete' => true,
'prototype' => true,
'label' => false,
public function configureOptions(OptionsResolver $resolver): void {
'data_class' => Home::class,
class ChildrenType extends AbstractType {
public function buildForm(...): void
->add('name', TextType::class, [
public function configureOptions(OptionsResolver $resolver): void {
'data_class' => Children::class,
My form
{{ form_widget(form.children) }}
Neither the property "children" nor one of the methods "children()", "getchildren()"/"ischildren()"/"haschildren()" or "__call()" exist and have public access in class "Symfony\Component\Form\FormView".
It seems I have to render the home input.
Is there no possibility to render only the children input? Perhaps with some special context (pseudo code)?
{% block form_context(form.home) %}
{{ form_widget(form.children) }}
{% endblock form_context %}
Yes, you can do this. Assuming form
in your twig example is an instance of DemandType
, then you would do:
{{ form_widget(form.home.children) }}
However, this may not work because children
is also a built in property on some Symfony form types. In HomeType
I would rename the field children
to something else, such as childrenCollection
, in which case you would do this in your twig view:
{{ form_widget(form.home.childrenCollection) }}