I'm having a problem where when I launch my bot and run this command, it says "undefined" or "null" as the output. How do I fix this?
I've tried using the same method as I did for all the other options.
if (serv.verified == false) {
var veri = "No.";
Where it checks for a boolean, string, or number. It just doesn't seem to work. It sets my variable at null or undefined.
if (serv.afkChannel == `null`) {
var afk = "No AFK VC.";
if (serv.verified == true) {
var veri = "Yes.";
if (serv.verified == false) {
var veri = "No.";
var myInfo2 = new discord.RichEmbed()
.setAuthor(`${serv.name}'s guild info`)
.addField(`AFK Channel`,`${afk}`,true)
.addField(`AFK Timeout`,`${serv.afkTimeout}s`,true)
.addField(`Creation of Guild`,`${serv.createdAt}`,true)
.addField(`Default Notification`, defn,true)
Expected Result : It will say No AFK VC Actual Result : It says undefined or null.
First, you want to check if there IS a channel.
Then, you want to set the variable afk
as No AFK Channel.
And last, if there is an afk channel it would say said AFK Channel.
if (!serv.afkChannel)
var afk = `No AFK Channel`
else var afk = `${serv.afkChannel}`
The "!" basically makes the following code opposite.
The next code would give off a the variable afk is already defined
error, but it's basically a "OR". If there is no AFK channel then, OR If there is an AFK channel, then.
All you need now is to find out how to get rid of the # if you want to. Enjoy!