I am trying to screenshot the view of a div which contains fullcalendar, but unable to do so. I have tried following code:
function screenshot(){
alert('zz'); html2canvas(document.querySelector('#calendar')).then(function(canvas) {
Whenever I click on screenshot, I want to capture image of div#calendar
and need to console the url so that I can use this image later as thumbnail when I share this page link later in social media.
You can check it here on Codepen
You can use below function to get image using html2canvas..
function screenshot(){
html2canvas(document.querySelector('#calendar'), {
onrendered: function(canvas) {
var image = canvas.toDataURL("image/png");
console.log("image => ",image); //image in base64
var pHtml = "<img src="+image+" />";
$("#parent").append(pHtml); //you can append image tag anywhere