With the help of this link i can apply projection on my texture. Now I want to cut/remove equal area from top and bottom of my glcontrol and then need to apply same projection on remain area. I have tried like below. But as shown in the image top and bottom curve is missing on projection. How can I bring it back in remain area?
precision highp float;
uniform sampler2D sTexture;
varying vec2 vTexCoord;
void main()
float img_h_px = 432.0; // height of the image in pixel
float area_h_px = 39.0; // area height in pixel
float w = area_h_px/img_h_px;
if (vTexCoord.y < w || vTexCoord.y > (1.0-w)){
gl_FragColor= vec4(1.0,0.0,1.0,1.0);
vec2 pos = vTexCoord.xy * 2.0 - 1.0;
float b = 0.5;
float v_scale = (1.0 + b) / (1.0 + b * sqrt(1.0 - pos.x*pos.x));
float u = asin( pos.x ) / 3.1415 + 0.5;
float v = (pos.y * v_scale) * 0.5 + 0.5;
if ( v < 0.0 || v > 1.0 )
vec3 texColor = texture2D( u_texture, vec2(u, v) ).rgb;
gl_FragColor = vec4( texColor.rgb, 1.0 );
The size of bottom and top area (sum of bottom and top area), relative to the size of the control is 2.0*area_h_px/img_h_px
= 2.0*w
The ration (h_ratio
) of the control size and the "visible" area is:
float w = area_h_px/img_h_px;
float h_ratio = 1.0 - 2.0*w;
You've to scale the y coordinate for the texture lookup by the ration of the "visible" area and the control size, this is reciprocal of h_ratio
float v = (pos.y * v_scale / h_ratio) * 0.5 + 0.5;
Final shader:
precision highp float;
uniform sampler2D sTexture;
varying vec2 vTexCoord;
void main()
float img_h_px = 432.0; // height of the image in pixel
float area_h_px = 39.0; // area height in pixel
float w = area_h_px/img_h_px;
float h_ratio = 1.0 - 2.0*w;
vec2 pos = vTexCoord.xy * 2.0 - 1.0;
float b = 0.5;
float v_scale = (1.0 + b) / (1.0 + b * sqrt(1.0 - pos.x*pos.x));
float u = asin(pos.x) / 3.1415 + 0.5;
float v = (pos.y * v_scale / h_ratio) * 0.5 + 0.5;
vec3 texColor = texture2D(sTexture, vec2(u, v)).rgb;
vec4 color = vec4(texColor.rgb, 1.0);
if (vTexCoord.y < w || vTexCoord.y > (1.0-w))
color = vec4(1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0);
else if (v < 0.0 || v > 1.0)
gl_FragColor = color;
If you want to tint the entire area in purple, then you've to set color
, instead of discard
ing the fragments:
if (v < 0.0 || v > 1.0)
color = vec4(1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0);