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How to get average and standard deviation of grouped data?

I'm trying to work with a database using Google Sheets.

I am able to access the database using the importJson script from here:

using the query: =importJson("");

It populates my Google Sheets just fine like this mockup:

| Age | Weight | Country |
| 10  | 120    | US      |
| 10  | 140    | US      |
| 10  | 160    | US      |
| 11  | 180    | CA      |
| 12  | 190    | GBR     |
| 12  | 200    | GBR     |

I'd like to be able to show the data grouped by age, with an average weight for that age, standard deviation for the weights in that age, like so...

| Age | Average weight | Std. Dev |
| 10  | 140            | 20       |
| 11  | 180            | 0        |
| 12  | 195            | 5        |

I've tried to play around with creating a pivot table in sheets, but I can't figure out how to get the average of all values for each age in a column or the std deviation.

When I try to add a column with weight values by average, I get a DIV/0 error.

Is this doable in Sheets?


  • 0

    paste in E2 cell:

     "select A,avg(B) 
      where A is not null 
      group by A 
      label avg(B)''", 0)

    paste in G2 cell and drag down:


    paste in H2 cell and drag down:



    STDEV and STDEVP are now supported under array processing


    enter image description here

    all-in-one formula solution:

     "select A,avg(B) where A is not null 
      group by A label avg(B)''", 0), 
     BYROW(UNIQUE(FILTER(A2:A, A2:A<>"")), 
     LAMBDA(xx, IFERROR(STDEV(  FILTER(B:B, A:A=xx)), 0))), 
     BYROW(UNIQUE(FILTER(A2:A, A2:A<>"")), 
     LAMBDA(xx, IFERROR(STDEV.P(FILTER(B:B, A:A=xx)), 0)))}

    enter image description here