I've been learning javascript and jquery and I've encountered a problem when I'm trying to validate my form fields using a jquery function. The problem is its working fine the first two times it is called (when I press the update button for a specific element )and whenever I'm trying to call it a third time (by pressing the update button for the same element as earlier ) it is calling itself but I clearly did not mention any recursive calls and am not calling it within the function again. I'm not sure why it is calling itself. Kindly help me out. I will be attaching the fiddle. After triggering reset in main.updateData(Object.assign({}, main.newObject), keys); in the third time its showing the name empty error which shouldn't be happening.
I've tried giving breakpoints and inspecting the reason behind this weird behaviour but I couldn't
The name field should show an error only when it is empty but third time it is showing error even when it is not empty
validateFormData: function(value, keys, idCount) {
var keyIndex = 0;
main.newObject[keys[keyIndex++]] = idCount;
if (value == "update") {
main.newObject[keys[0]] = $(".active-contact").attr('id');
//alert("new updated id is " + main.newObject[keys[0]]);
var validElementsCount = 0;
var alphabet_pattern = /^[a-z]+\s*/i;
var email_pattern = /[a-z]{0,}[0-9]{0,4}[.]{0,1}[0-9]{0,4}[a-z]{0,8}[0-9]{0,4}[@][a-z]{0,20}[.](com)/i;
var number_pattern = /^[0-9]{10}$/;
var website_pattern = /^(www)[.][a-z]{1,20}[.](com)$/i;
/*Validating the form inputs against the regex pattern*/
if ($("#employee-name").val() == "") {
$("#employee-name-error").text("name cannot be empty");
} else if (!alphabet_pattern.test($("#employee-name").val())) {
$("#employee-name-error").text("Only alphabets are allowed");
} else {
main.newObject[keys[keyIndex++]] = $("#employee-name").val();
//alert("object is " + JSON.stringify(main.newObject[keys[keyIndex-1]]) + " key is " + keys[keyIndex-1]);
//employee email validation
if (email_pattern.test($("#employee-email").val()) || $("#employee-email").val() == "") {
main.newObject[keys[keyIndex++]] = $("#employee-email").val();
//alert("object is " + JSON.stringify(main.newObject[keys[keyIndex - 1]]) + " key is " + keys[keyIndex - 1]);
} else {
$("#employee-email-error").text("Follow email pattern");
//employee mobile validation
if (number_pattern.test($("#employee-mobile").val()) || $("#employee-mobile").val() == "") {
main.newObject[keys[keyIndex++]] = $("#employee-mobile").val();
//alert("object is " + JSON.stringify(main.newObject[keys[keyIndex - 1]]) + " key is " + keys[keyIndex - 1]);
} else {
$("#employee-mobile-error").text("Only 10 digit number is allowed");
//employee landline no validataion
if (number_pattern.test($("#employee-land-line").val()) || $("#employee-land-line").val() == "") {
main.newObject[keys[keyIndex++]] = $("#employee-land-line").val();
//alert("object is " + JSON.stringify(main.newObject[keys[keyIndex - 1]]) + " key is " + keys[keyIndex - 1]);
} else {
$("#employee-land-line-error").text("Only 10 digit number is allowed");
//employee website validation
if (website_pattern.test($("#employee-website").val()) || $("#employee-website").val() == "") {
main.newObject[keys[keyIndex++]] = $("#employee-website").val();
} else {
$("#employee-website-error").text("Follow website pattern");
main.newObject[keys[keyIndex++]] = $("#employee-address").val();
if (validElementsCount == 5) {
if (value == "add") {
main.addEmployeeClick(Object.assign({}, main.newObject));
} else if (value == "update") {
//alert("new object is " + JSON.stringify(Object.assign({}, main.newObject), keys));
main.updateData(Object.assign({}, main.newObject), keys);
You can add .off() before #update-employee-btn click event binding in line 34.
Let me know if it works for you as well.