Right shifting a number in javascript sometimes results in a negative number. What is the reason behind that? Can that be mitigated?
const now = 1562143596806 // UNIX timestamp in milliseconds
console.log(now >> 8) // -4783199
Use the zero-fill right shift operator (>>>
) to always get a positive result:
const now = 1562143596806 // UNIX timestamp in milliseconds
console.log(now >>> 8)
The reason for the >>
operator returning the number is caused by the fact that, originally, the number is internally represented as a 64-bit floating point number:
The bit shift operation will first convert the operand to a 32-bit integer. It does this by keeping only the 32 least significant bits, and discarding the rest:
Then it will shift it by the specified number of bits while maintaining the sign, i.e. shifting in 8 1
bits from the left:
Converting back to decimal, this yields: