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How to filter Only Organization entities in DetectEntitiesOutput?

I am new to Go language and trying picking it up , so pardon for any obvious issues but need some help..

Question : I am trying to filter only Organization Entities returned in by Comprehend in DetectEntitiesOutput..

My imports are following



    func Filter(vs []Entity, f func(Entity) bool) []Entity {
    vsf := make([]Entity, 0)
    for _, v := range vs {
    if f(v) {
    vsf = append(vsf, v)
    return vsf

    func isOrg(vs Entity) bool {
    return strings.EqualFold(Entity.Type, "ORGANIZATION")

But i am getting following error ./main.go:52:18: undefined: Entity
./main.go:53:16: undefined: Entity
./main.go:62:15: undefined: Entity
./main.go:63:27: undefined: Entity

Can someone help?


  • The compiler cannot find definition of Entity struct. Make sure it's present in the same package or if it's from a different package you would replace Entity with packageName.Entity.