I've created a C# console application that calls a stored procedure from SQL Server, retrieves records from a database table where records have not been transmitted, and adds said records to a RestSharp request. When I run my application locally, OK Status is received with a Status Code reflecting missing information. The API's logging system shows empty values in the received request.
I've tried the RestSharp request as follows:
private static RestRequest CreateRestRequest(string resource, Method method)
var credentials = GetCredentials();
var restRequest = new RestRequest { Resource = resource, Method = method, RequestFormat = DataFormat.Json, };
restRequest.AddHeader("accept", "application/json");
restRequest.AddHeader("Authorization", credentials);
restRequest.OnBeforeDeserialization = resp => { resp.ContentType = "application/json"; };
restRequest.OnBeforeDeserialization = resp => { resp.ContentEncoding = "utf-8"; };
restRequest.OnBeforeDeserialization = resp =>
if (resp.RawBytes.Length >= 3 && resp.RawBytes[0] == 0xEF && resp.RawBytes[1] == 0xBB && resp.RawBytes[2] == 0xBF)
// Copy the data but with the UTF-8 BOM removed.
var newData = new byte[resp.RawBytes.Length - 3];
Buffer.BlockCopy(resp.RawBytes, 3, newData, 0, newData.Length);
resp.RawBytes = newData;
// Force re-conversion to string on next access
resp.Content = null;
return restRequest;
The logic used for the request values is as follows:
private SignUpRequest BuildMerchantTestData()
var onboardingDAL = new OnboardingDAL(iconfiguration);
var onboardingList = onboardingDAL.GetOnboardingList(iconfiguration);
var ownerList = new List<OwnerList>();
if (onboardingList != null)
Debug.Assert(onboardingList != null, nameof(OnboardingList) + " != null");
foreach (Onboarding result in onboardingList)
Console.WriteLine("{0} {1}", result.Email, result.UserId);
List<Owner> owner1 = new List<Owner>{ new Owner
FirstName = result.OwnerFirstName,
LastName = result.OwnerLastName,
Address = result.OwnerAddress,
City = result.OwnerCity,
State = result.OwnerRegion,
Zip = result.OwnerZipCode,
Country =result.OwnerCountry,
DateOfBirth = result.OwnerDob,
SSN = result.OwnerSsn,
Email = result.Email,
Percentage = result.OwnerPercentage,
Title = result.OwnerTitle
var signupRequest = new SignUpRequest
PersonalData = new PersonalData
FirstName = result.FirstName,
MiddleInitial = result.MiddleInitial,
LastName = result.Lastname,
DateOfBirth = result.DateOfBirth,
SocialSecurityNumber = result.Ssn,
SourceEmail = result.Email,
PhoneInformation =
new PhoneInformation
{DayPhone = result.DayPhone, EveningPhone = result.EveningPhone},
InternationalSignUpData = null,
NotificationEmail = result.Email,
SignupAccountData = new SignupAccountData
CurrencyCode = "USD",
Tier = "Test"
BusinessData =
new BusinessData
BusinessLegalName = result.BusinessLegalName,
DoingBusinessAs = result.DoingBusinessAs,
EIN = result.Ein,
MerchantCategoryCode = result.MerchantCategoryCode,
WebsiteURL = result.BusinessUrl,
BusinessDescription = result.BusinessDescription,
MonthlyBankCardVolume = result.MonthlyBankCardVolume ?? 0,
AverageTicket = result.AverageTicket ?? 0,
HighestTicket = result.HighestTicket ?? 0
Address = new Address
ApartmentNumber = result.Address1ApartmentNumber,
Address1 = result.Address1Line1,
Address2 = result.Address1Line1,
City = result.Address1City,
State = result.Address1State,
Country = result.Address1Country,
Zip = result.Address1ZipCode
MailAddress = new Address
ApartmentNumber = result.OwnerApartmentNumber,
Address1 = result.OwnerAddress,
Address2 = result.OwnerAddress2,
City = result.OwnerCity,
State = result.OwnerRegion,
Country = result.OwnerCountry,
Zip = result.OwnerZipCode
BusinessAddress =
new Address
ApartmentNumber = result.BusinessApartmentNumber,
Address1 = result.BusinessAddressLine1,
Address2 = result.BusinessAddressLine2,
City = result.BusinessCity,
State = result.BusinessState,
Country = result.BusinessCountry,
Zip = result.BusinessZipCode
BankAccount =
new BankAccount
AccountCountryCode = result.BankAccount1CountryCode,
BankAccountNumber = result.BankAccount1Number,
RoutingNumber = result.BankAccount1RoutingNumber,
AccountOwnershipType = result.BankAccount1OwnershipType,
BankName = result.BankAccount1BankName,
AccountType = "Checking",
AccountName = result.BankAccount1Name,
Description = result.BankAccount1Description
BeneficialOwnerData = new BeneficialOwnerData
OwnerCount = "1",
Owners = owner1
}; Console.WriteLine(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(signupRequest));
return new SignUpRequest();
I'm executing the request as follows:
private static T Execute<T>(IRestRequest request, string baseUrl) where T : class, new()
var client = new RestClient(baseUrl);
var response = client.Execute<T>(request);
if (response.ErrorException != null)
"Error: Exception: {0}, Message: {1}, Headers: {2}, Content: {3}, Status Code: {4}",
Console.WriteLine("Status:" + response.StatusCode);
Console.WriteLine("Message: " + response.Content);
return response.Data;
public ProPayResponse MerchantSignUpForProPay()
var baseUrl = "https://xmltestapi.propay.com/ProPayAPI";
var request = BuildMerchantTestData();
var restRequest = CreateRestRequest("SignUp", Method.PUT);
return Execute<ProPayResponse>(restRequest, baseUrl);
Why would the JSON string contain valid values in my console, but yet no values are received by the API? How would I rectify this issue?
So, after re-visiting this issue at a later time, I found that return signupRequest;
was the appropriate way to return the request and request values.