I would like something similar to what node-odata offers, but I do not want to wrap it around my database (I am using Cassandra and already have an Express app set up with routes, etc).
Currently, I grab data from the database (which will ultimately return a JSON object to the user) and then using the values passed in the query string I modify the results with JavaScript and pass the modified JSON object on through to the user.
I cannot pass in a query string like this http://localhost:3001/getSomeData?name=jim&age=21||eyeColor=red
which includes logical operators in the query string, and would grab all data and filter it where the name is "jim", the age is "21" OR eyeColor is "red". So this would give me all Jims that have either eyeColor red and/or age of 21. If I used this age=21&&eyeColor=red
I would expect to get all Jims that have BOTH eye color of red and are 21 years old.
I was thinking of using a custom query string that can be passed in (i.e. inclusive=age&inclusive=eyeColor
appended at the end of the query string) and in Node, I would modify the filter results to treat these properties (age
and eyeColor
) as if they were passed in with the ||
OR operator). However, this is quite verbose, and I was hoping there was a library or another simpler implementation out there that solves this problem, or somehow lets me pass in simple logical operators into the query string.
I ended up using this library to achieve what I wanted: https://www.npmjs.com/package/jspath
It's well document and worked perfectly for my situation.