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Svelte Long Press

I need a long press event to bind to buttons in svelte 3. I want to do this in the least "boilerplaty" way possible.

I've tried with a long press function but this seems a little convoluted and hacky, also seems a little slow.

function longPress(node, callback) {
    function onmousedown(event) {
      const timeout = setTimeout(() => callback(node.innerHTML), 1000);

      function cancel() {
        node.removeEventListener("mouseup", cancel, false);

      node.addEventListener("mouseup", cancel, false);

    node.addEventListener("mousedown", onmousedown, false);

    return {
      destroy() {
        node.removeEventListener("mousedown", onmousedown, false);

  <Video />
  {#each Object.entries(bindings) as [id, value]}
    <button on:click = {()=>longPress(this,addImage)}> {id} </button>

This works but I'm sure there is a better way.


  • For this sort of thing I would use an action, which is a function that runs when an element is created (and can return functions that are run when parameters are changed, or the element is destroyed):

    In this case you could create a reusable longpress action, much like your function above, which dispatches a custom longpress event on the target element that you can listen for like a native DOM event:

      import { longpress } from './actions.js';
      let pressed;
    <button use:longpress on:longpress="{e => pressed = true}">
      longpress me
    export function longpress(node, threshold = 500) {
      // note — a complete answer would also consider touch events
      const handle_mousedown = () => {
        let start =;
        const timeout = setTimeout(() => {
          node.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('longpress'));
        }, threshold);
        const cancel = () => {
          node.removeEventListener('mousemove', cancel);
          node.removeEventListener('mouseup', cancel);
        node.addEventListener('mousemove', cancel);
        node.addEventListener('mouseup', cancel);
      node.addEventListener('mousedown', handle_mousedown);
      return {
        destroy() {
          node.removeEventListener('mousedown', handle_mousedown);

    The advantage of this approach is that you've separated the definition of 'longpress' from the thing that handles it, so the addImage/node.innerHTML logic can be cleanly separated, and you can re-use the action elsewhere in your app.

    Full demo, including passing a parameter to the action: