I need a long press event to bind to buttons in svelte 3. I want to do this in the least "boilerplaty" way possible.
I've tried with a long press function but this seems a little convoluted and hacky, also seems a little slow.
function longPress(node, callback) {
function onmousedown(event) {
const timeout = setTimeout(() => callback(node.innerHTML), 1000);
function cancel() {
node.removeEventListener("mouseup", cancel, false);
node.addEventListener("mouseup", cancel, false);
node.addEventListener("mousedown", onmousedown, false);
return {
destroy() {
node.removeEventListener("mousedown", onmousedown, false);
<Video />
{#each Object.entries(bindings) as [id, value]}
<button on:click = {()=>longPress(this,addImage)}> {id} </button>
This works but I'm sure there is a better way.
For this sort of thing I would use an action, which is a function that runs when an element is created (and can return functions that are run when parameters are changed, or the element is destroyed): https://svelte.dev/tutorial/actions
In this case you could create a reusable longpress
action, much like your function above, which dispatches a custom longpress
event on the target element that you can listen for like a native DOM event:
import { longpress } from './actions.js';
let pressed;
<button use:longpress on:longpress="{e => pressed = true}">
longpress me
export function longpress(node, threshold = 500) {
// note — a complete answer would also consider touch events
const handle_mousedown = () => {
let start = Date.now();
const timeout = setTimeout(() => {
node.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('longpress'));
}, threshold);
const cancel = () => {
node.removeEventListener('mousemove', cancel);
node.removeEventListener('mouseup', cancel);
node.addEventListener('mousemove', cancel);
node.addEventListener('mouseup', cancel);
node.addEventListener('mousedown', handle_mousedown);
return {
destroy() {
node.removeEventListener('mousedown', handle_mousedown);
The advantage of this approach is that you've separated the definition of 'longpress' from the thing that handles it, so the addImage
logic can be cleanly separated, and you can re-use the action elsewhere in your app.
Full demo, including passing a parameter to the action: https://svelte.dev/repl/f34b6159667247e6b6abb5142b276483?version=3.6.3