Using mobx-state-tree I want to pass in parameters to an asynchronous action. They recommend to use generator functions. Their examples does not supply examples using parameters, and I don't find it obvious how to.
I have tried wrapping the flow function inside a normal function to pass the parameters down. However it does not work. I have tried examples below including some additional fiddling.
setAvailability: function (id, status) {
console.log("inside outer")
flow(function* () {
console.log("inside inner")
try {
yield UpdateAvailability(id, status)
const { data } = yield self.fetch(GetTutors) = data;
} catch (e) {
setAvailability: flow*(function(id, status) {
console.log("inside inner")
try {
yield UpdateAvailability(id, status)
const { data } = yield self.fetch(GetTutors) = data;
} catch (e) {
When passing parameters inside the flow function it doesn't compile and when I wrap the function it only prints
console.log("inside inner")
How can I pass parameters to an asynchronous action function?
I tried a simple example as follows and it works -
import {flow, types} from "mobx-state-tree"
const Store = types.model({})
.actions(self => ({
fetchProjects: flow(function* fetchProjects(par1, par2) { // <- note the star, this a generator function!
console.log('flow called');
export const store = Store.create({});
// async actions will always return a promise resolving to the returned value
store.fetchProjects('test parameter', 'test parameter 2').then(() => {
I think its just the * at the wrong place in your second example.