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How used android launcher icon without any background

I am trying to add launcher icon in my app but the problem is that my compile version is 28 and according to oreo and above we must implement foreground and background icon layer in our app which I don't want because I want to show only my icon in app without any background. Here is my icon, can anyone tell me how I can implement this icon in my app without any background layer and it also support all devices. Here is the iconapp icon which i want show

and here is the example which i want to implement in my app. You can see "eBible" and "Easy to understand bible" icon which is without any background layer

enter image description here


  • Go to -

    Image Asset -> Foreground layer (here browse your icon)

    Image Asset -> Background layer (here browse any transparent icon)

    Image Asset -> Legacy (here give none shape for icon)

    enter image description here