I am trying to reduce some manual work through vbscript.
I have to create a summary page with has the list of all details with hyperlinks (bookmark). Once the link is clicked it has to take me to the sheet which has the details.
I tried to create a hyperlink like this.
objExcel.ActiveSheet.Cells(1, 1) = "=HYPERLINK("Sheet2!A1", "Inventory")"
but it didn't work out. The above code works for website link though.
objExcel.ActiveSheet.Cells(1, 1) = "=HYPERLINK(""http://www.google.com"", ""Google"")"
I'm stuck here. Please help me how to create a bookmark using VBSCRIPT.
I have found the answer. :)
The below code would work fine if we add a # to Address i.e #Sheet2!A1.
objExcel.ActiveSheet.Cells(1, 1) = "=HYPERLINK("#Sheet2!A1", "Inventory")"
We should ensure that double quotes are also available while pasting in the cell. The hyperlink value should be like the below
where Chr(34) is double quotes.