Please see my incoming mule payload: (I'm on Mule 3.9)
"source": {
"code": "CD-12"
"target": {
"code": "CD-22"
"entities": [
"ID": "ABC",
"sourceEnt": {
"entityId": "100A",
"entityName": "ID-1"
"targetEnt": {
"Account": {
"Key1": "Value1",
"Key2": "Value2"
"Address": [
"Name21": "Value21"
"AccountAddress": [
"Key31": "Value31",
"Key32": "Key32"
I am new to Mule dataweave. How do I modify a specific array under a certain entity. For example, if I need to add "Key3" and "Value3" under targetEnt Account? I am pasting my sample code below.
%dw 1.0
%output application/json
entities : payload.entities map
entity : $.targetEnt
} //++ {"Key3":"Value3"} when $.targetEnt: "Account"
I think that what you need is to do
%dw 1.0
%output application/json
entities : payload.entities map ((item, index) ->
ID: item.ID,
entity : item.targetEnt mapObject ((value, key) -> {
(key): value ++ {"Key3":"Value3"} when key ~= "Account" otherwise value